Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are studies that evaluate the effectiveness of drugs or treatment routines. Our goal is to give patients the opportunity to participate in approved and exploratory therapies without long-distance travel. Clinical trials are not available for every condition. Talk to your physician to discuss your options.

Zangmeister Cancer Center participates in a broad range of research studies in cooperation with National Cancer Institute (NCI) cooperative groups including Southwest Oncology Group, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, and the Gynecologic Oncology Group through the NCI Community Oncology Research Program in association with Mount Carmel Health System.

Zangmeister Cancer Center offers clinical trials through Sarah Cannon Research Institute (SCRI), one of the world’s leading oncology research organizations conducting community-based clinical trials. SCRI has contributed to pivotal research that has led to the majority of new cancer therapies approved by the FDA today.

In addition, we participate in many studies with both nationally and internationally recognized pharmaceutical companies. Our research department at any time is actively involved in over 100 national clinical trials.

Why Participate in Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are designed to evaluate the effectiveness of new treatment interventions. The objective of clinical trials is to test new therapies in patients who have cancer. Patients participate in clinical trials for several reasons:

  • The potential to benefit from a new drug or treatment procedure
  • Improved management of symptoms resulting from the treatment of cancer
  • The opportunity to directly contribute to improving the understanding of how to treat specific cancers and ultimately, benefit other patients

Patients who participate in clinical trials receive either a promising new treatment or the best available conventional treatment. If a new treatment option is proven to work, participating patients will be among the first to benefit. While there is no guarantee that any treatment will be successful, clinical trials have been proven to offer some of the most effective cancer treatments currently available.

Both standard care and clinical trials have risks, side effects and benefits that vary depending on the individual. However, there are rigorous guidelines in place to protect the well-being and safety of clinical trial participants. The physician and research nurse conducting the study will explain any known or anticipated risks ahead of time.

Once a patient’s eligibility for a specific trial is established, the research nurse will explain the informed consent process. Informed consent is one of the patient’s most important rights in the research process, as it outlines the purpose of the study, the exact treatments that will be administered, all possible side effects, and the patient’s right to withdraw from the study at any point. Signing the consent form acknowledges that the trial was explained and is understood. Also, clinical trial participants are constantly monitored to identify any changes in their condition.